Swiss Wedding World 2024/2 025
the biggest and most beautiful wedding fairs
Train 9 & 10 November 2024
Zurich 11 & 12 January 2025
Bern 18 & 19 January 2025
The Swiss Wedding World is the successor to the Zurich Festival and Wedding Fair, the largest wedding fair in Switzerland, and will take place for the first time in 2023 at the BERNEXPO in Bern. We are very pleased about the expansion and will run the fair at the usual level and with the same content. With our new trade fair concept, we are ushering in the future era and transforming the previous trade fair into an enchanting world of experience, which will give the bridal couples an emotional and inspiring all-round experience.
With a total of around 5,000 visitors, the wedding fairs in Zurich and Bern are a highlight for many prospective brides and grooms. Young and old flock to the special shows and events every year, visit the exhibitors' stands and enjoy the emotional, festive and glittering atmosphere. Whether it's bridal and men's fashion, wedding rings, locations, wedding decorations, photography, wedding planners - the huge variety of topics at Switzerland's largest wedding fair delights the public, as usual in the coming year.
The platform for
Weddings & Business
The platform for presence at
Your target group, sales and contacts in the wedding industry. Some companies generate almost their annual sales in these two days.
Initiating the
5 senses
Seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching
– what is not possible digitally is possible here!
And the best thing – with a lot of emotions!
Presence directly with the target audience
In 2 days, around 4,000 visitors in Zurich and around 3,000 in Bern. Live and virtual.
Network platform for
the wedding industry B2B
Around 180 exhibitors in Zurich and 100 in Bern.
Direct business contacts in 2 days! Get to know each other, exchange ideas and
Networked, that is also
possible for the service providers.
Presentation of
Show what you can do and what you have!
Put yourself in the spotlight.
We will be happy to advise and help you.
Virtual trade fair tour
9 months
Post-trade fair business possible
Use the virtual trade fair tour for your post-trade fair business. All exhibition stands will be filmed and subsequently presented on our homepage.
Swiss Wedding
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